Tuesday, 10 December 2013





Statement to the Hon Bruce Atkinson, MLC, President, Legislative Council
requesting a right of reply to allegations by lnga Peulich in the Legislative
Council, 8 February 2012

I seek a right of reply to statements made by Mrs lnga Peulich MLC about me in
my capacity as ward councillor and seek to correct the parliamentary record on
those issues on which Mrs Peulich stated in the Council.

Mrs Peulich has made a statement to Parliament in which she claims that I have
acted improperly as a Councillor of the City of Kingston. Mrs Peulich has
accused me of using ratepayers' funds for political purposes to assist my reelection
(in relation to ward meeting notices sent by Council to central ward
residents in accordance with Council ward meeting policy) and has claimed that I
have abused the trust of ratepayers. She has called on the Minister for Local
Government to refer the matter to the Office of Local Government for
investigation. Her statement is headed "Political advertising" and is now easily
and widely accessible on the Internet.

I have thrice been elected to Council on a commitment to "community
consultation before rather than after Council decisions are made." In this spirit, in
each of my first two terms, I have held at my own expense at least two ward
meetings to which I have invited residents to raise any issues they wish, while
nominating on the meeting notice a number of issues already raised with me to
which I am seeking their input.

These meetings have been held in council premises and attended by officers
who have been able to provide expert advice. I have found them to be very
useful in raising new issues and resolving troublesome existing ones and have
had good feedback from those who have attended. To quote an email of
appreciation from a prominent Kingston citizen received after my February 2012
ward meeting: "these meetings ... enhance the causes of democracy and
community engagement."

I consider such ward meetings an important means for me to honor and
implement Section 3E(1) of the Local Government Act, which requires councillors
to "advocate and prompt proposals which are in the best interests of the local
community." Ward meetings assist councillors to act in the community's best
interests by bringing residents together to help us define what those best
interests might be.

With a number of new councillors in this council term, I was one of several
councillors who suggested that Kingston should fund ward meetings, as a
number of other councils do. The policy was adopted in mid-201 0 by five votes to
three, with one councillor away.

The policy is careful to avoid politicisation by ensuring that ward meetings will not be held within 6 months of State, Federal or Council elections. Councillors who
do not hold a ward meeting can allocate the $1000 a year of council funds
deposited in our ward funds for this purpose as grants to local community groups
or individuals as defined by Kingston's ward funds grants policy. The policy
states that "Council Business will support Councillors in calling a meeting with
their local ward constitutents." lt provides for "letter drop, (and) advertising in
local media" among other expenses to be paid for out of the ward meeting funds

My ward meeting was planned, notified to residents and conducted fully in
accordance with Council policy. I cannot see how this could have breached the
Local Government Act or the Victorian Electoral Commission Act, or suggest how
such a breach might have happened. As my ward meeting notice does not
mention the election which was still nine months away, nor whether or not I am
standing for re-election, I cannot see how anyone could seriously believe it is
electoral material warranting authorisation.

Before previous elections, publications did not need to be authorised until the
election campaign period, which is now 32 days for this year's election.
I therefore seek the opportunity to correct the public record by having my
response incorporated in the parliamentary record.

Rosemary West, Councillor, City of Kingston(1)

Thought I might post this. Cr. West of my local council Ward responded to some cheap-rot thrown about her.

(1) http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/papers/govpub/VPARL2010-14No146.pdf

Sunday, 17 November 2013

George Galloway MP: Galloway's motions on Roma and private schools

George Galloway MP: Galloway's motions on Roma and private schools: George Galloway has today submitted two motions to the British parliament - in support of the Roma immigrants attacked by former H...

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Tories 'to match Labour spending'

Yes, Osborne pledged to match Labour spending as part of blending the votes and mullifying the differences.

Whoops! Must be a left-wing conspiracy in the BBC!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

News Corp bias against Kevin Rudd showed up in independent study

News Corp bias against Kevin Rudd showed up in independent study, diary reveals

Kevin Rudd's repeated claims of systematic anti-Labor bias in his treatment by News Corporation newspapers ahead of the September election were fuelled by an independent assessment of media reporting commissioned by the Labor Party.
The revelation underlines the extent of frustration within the government as it reeled from its bitter leadership instability and the late switch to Mr Rudd, whom many in the ALP had openly criticised.
The previously confidential study, obtained by Fairfax Media, was undertaken at the request of Mr Rudd's key adviser, Bruce Hawker, as the pair wrestled with what to do to rebuild the former prime minister's reputation and improve Labor's poor communication with voters in time for an election due within weeks.
It found that Mr Rudd was subject to "unfavourable" reporting in The Daily Tele-graph at "over twice the volume of unfavourable coverage of Kevin Rudd and the ALP than The Sydney Morning Herald".

The analysis, which goes some way to explaining Mr Rudd's unusually direct references to media bias throughout the campaign, was undertaken by the media assessment and measurement firm iSentia.
It compared 1256 newspaper reports carried in News Corporation newspapers The Daily Telegraph in Sydney and Brisbane's The Courier-Mail and Fairfax Media's The Sydney Morning Herald.
The comparison covered three periods starting just before Mr Rudd replaced Julia Gillard in June, then during early- to mid-July, and finally over a fortnight taking in the first few days of the election campaign called on August 4.
"Kevin Rudd was positioned as incompetent in 215 News Corp articles and self-interested in 120," the study concluded.
"The implied message that Kevin Rudd displays negative personality traits appeared in 143 News Corp articles."
In his campaign diary published this week, The Rudd Rebel-lion, Mr Hawker makes reference to the study and reveals he had counselled Mr Rudd on more than one occasion during the campaign against repeatedly hitting back at News Corp mastheads during daily press appearances.
Labor MPs were furious at their treatment after The Daily Tele-graph began its campaign coverage with a front page headline on day one of the campaign exclaiming "Finally you now have the chance to . . . KICK THIS MOB OUT".
Labor insiders also suspected that the coverage in News Corp publications intensified under the influence of veteran New York Post tabloid editor Col Allan.
"Unfavourable News Corp coverage was most prevalent in the last two-week period analysed [July 26-August 9), which coincided with the calling of the election and the arrival of Col Allan at News Corp Australia," the iSentia analysis concluded.(1)

Thought so. See, Murdoch and co. did their best to chip away at ALP government image.


(1) http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/news-corp-bias-against-kevin-rudd-showed-up-in-independent-study-diary-reveals-20131106-2x1ig.html#ixzz2jrmmYg8l

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

No big savings to come from repeal of carbon tax, industry group warns

No big savings to come from repeal of carbon tax, industry group warns

The Federal Government has asked for public feedback on legislation aimed at getting rid of Labor's carbon tax.
In its submission, the Australian Industry Group says apart from electricity, many price changes are likely to be limited.
It says many businesses were not able to pass on the cost of the carbon tax in the first place.
The group's chief executive, Innes Willox, says that means price cuts will not be as significant.
"The whole pain of the carbon tax won't go away overnight," he said.
"Consumers will have to accept that business will have to continue to pass through some costs that they have associated with the carbon tax and its leftovers whenever it is repealed."(1)

Hockey's claim prices will go down is pure speculation. Now we at least have an indication profiteering will be prioritised. That's logical, because the enregy sector's been privatised!

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Abbott slashes community funding in every town and city

Abbott slashes community funding in every town and city

Tony Abbott has slashed grants for community infrastructure by at least $30,000 per local council.
Regional Development Australia Fund grants, worth up to $2 million for larger councils, were designed to fund community facilities like swimming pools, sporting fields and child care centres.
About $150 million in grants under Round Five had been approved by the previous Labor Government. Each was worth at least $30,000.(1)
Wow, won't wait for scrutiny of Parliament of course!

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Why working-class kids still get working-class jobs

Most of us will remain in the same social class as our parents and the same social class as their parents before them. It is a sobering thought. Despite the feel-good rhetoric of the self-help industry and the warm words of politicians, a child born into a poor family is almost certain to remain poor when they get older. The more unequal a society is, the harder it is for a child to escape his or her upbringing.
Rather than provide an honest appraisal of such inequalities, however, politicians offer endless sermons about ‘social mobility’ and ‘meritocracy’.

Most people on the left will have been dismissed at some point by an older peer, probably with an arrogant and lofty wave of the hand, as ‘unrealistic’ – or, worse still, as utopian.

Yet there are few ideas as utopian as that of meritocracy. A child born on a council estate can ‘get on’ only in the sense that a morbidly obese runner can beat Usain Bolt in the hundred metres. It could happen – the Jamaican might be struck by lightning, for example – but it probably won’t. And especially not if Bolt’s challenger is British: if you are British and poor you are less likely to escape your circumstances than in any other advanced country apart from the United States.

According to a 2007 study, poor but bright children are overtaken by less intelligent classmates from wealthier backgrounds in the very first years of schooling. The children of wealthier parents are more likely to go to the best schools (properties in desirable catchment areas cost on average 42 per cent more), eat the best food, have access to ‘high culture’ and a place to do their homework. They also benefit from a number of other forms of social and cultural ‘capital’ their working-class counterparts lack. As children get older these inequalities are concentrated further. Around 10 per cent of young people at the bottom rung of the social ladder go on to university, compared with over 80 per cent of those from professional or managerial backgrounds. And, as universities minister David Willetts never tires of pointing out, graduates will earn on average £100,000 more over a lifetime than non-graduates.

Meritocracy is an idea evoked by well-intentioned people who lack the courage to confront inequality, and by less well-intentioned people who use it to justify privilege and the accumulation of wealth. And yet it is a misnomer; the drive to improve social mobility and promote ‘equality of opportunity’ is always liable to stall if inequality isn’t addressed. As Washington Post writer Ezra Klein has written:

‘A rich parent can purchase test prep a poor parent can’t. A rich parent can usher their children into social networks a poor parent can’t. A rich parent can make donations to Harvard that a poor parent can’t.
‘The inequalities of the parents always and everywhere become the inequalities of the children.’(1)

(1)  http://www.progressonline.org.uk/2013/10/30/why-working-class-kids-still-get-working-class-jobs/#sthash.VE3dM6B8.dpuf

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Eurobonds scandal: The high street giants avoiding millions in tax

Eurobonds scandal: The high street giants avoiding millions in tax

Many of Britain's best-known high street chains are avoiding millions of pounds in tax through the controversial Eurobonds scheme.
Food chains including Nando's, Pizza Express, Café Rouge, Strada and Pret A Manger have cut their taxable profits by borrowing from their owners through the Channel Islands Stock Exchange. High street retailers doing the same include BHS, the electronics retailer Maplin, Office and Pets At Home. The revelations form the third part of an investigation by Corporate Watch and The Independent into major UK companies using the quoted Eurobond exemption, a regulatory loophole the Government knows about but has decided not to close.(1)

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Bentleigh Public Meeting

Vic  Labor ldr. Daniel Andrews MP, held a public meeting in Bentleigh today. An interesting event.

(1) https://twitter.com/DanielAndrewsMP

Thursday, 10 October 2013

ALP's rotating team eroded voters' trust

ALP's rotating team eroded voters' trust

Sitting in Labor HQ with four senior campaign staff, we were planning the announcement of the small business package.
One of the staff suggested: ''Let's get Brendan O'Connor to Tassie to do the announcement with the boss [the PM].'' Her bemused colleague asked ''Why would we get O'Connor there?'' ''Well, he is the small business minister …'' ''No he's not … he was the minister two ministers ago … we've had a few though.''
There were five ministers for small business in the last term of government. For the record, I wasn't much help - I couldn't name many of them.
The effect the leadership battle had on the Labor brand has been well canvassed. Less explored but almost as important was the effect the frequent cabinet and ministerial reshuffles - caused by the challenges (and non-challenges) - had on the public perception of the Rudd and Gillard governments.
We all know that stability at the top is important, but if Labor hopes to restore public confidence in the competency and capacity of its team then it needs to figure out how it can rebuild the trust the swapping, chopping, changing and replacing of ministers eroded.
Trust was the most important issue of the federal election campaign, as it is in almost every election campaign.
Dr Jackie Dickenson, an academic from Melbourne University, recently published Trust Me, a history of trust in Australian politics. She identifies four components of trust: competence, openness, honesty and reliability. To restore the electorate's trust, Labor needs to address all four.

Well said

Source: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/alps-rotating-team-eroded-voters-trust-20131006-2v27z.html#ixzz2hOORy0hJ

Monday, 30 September 2013

Netanyahu Lobbies Obama

""WASHINGTON – The brief press conference that followed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s White House meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama Monday mainly showed that both leaders have grown up.
The two men have a long history of well-publicized spats, derogatory briefings and mutual smears. But in recent months, ever since Obama visited Israel in March, a truce has prevailed. So when the journalists were allowed into the Oval Office after a talk that lasted almost 90 minutes, both men behaved accordingly: no barbs, no criticism, plenty of smiles and mutual praise. At the end, Obama asked Netanyahu, “Are you hungry? I am. Let’s go eat.”
An abyss yawns between Netanyahu’s view of the Iranian issue and Obama’s. For the Israeli premier, Iran is Amalek, the Biblical nation described as the Jews’ bitterest enemy. In addition, he views stopping Iran’s race toward nuclear arms as just a means toward the greater goal of preserving Israel’s status as the Mideast’s only regional power. He has little faith, therefore in dialogue with Iran, preferring sanctions and military force."(1)

Hopefully they're just words. But yes, managed to get Obama to say 'all' options are on the table."
Hopefully they're just words. But yes, managed to get Obama to say 'all' options are on the table.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Conservatives protest to UN over 'bedroom tax' report

"Conservative chairman Grant Shapps has condemned as an "absolute disgrace" a UN official's critical comments on the government's housing benefit changes.
Mr Shapps said he would be writing to the UN secretary general to protest.
He claimed the UN official Raquel Rolnik failed to meet any ministers or officials, was biased and had wrongly called the "spare room subsidy" policy "the bedroom tax"."

Either the criticism was correct or incorrect. Speaking ot UK ministers deoesn't change that.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Coalition won 2013, but Hotham still ALP

The Coalition of the Liberal and National parties in Australia's federal election have won a majority in our lower federal house. But the Australian Labor Party (ALP) retains the seat of Hotham I live in.

Hopefully the Senate will be able to obstruct Abbot's likely cuts and wreckage of our country.

The ALP also "defied dire predictions and preserved its young talent, giving it a more solid foundation than most pundits predicted as it heads into opposition.
Young frontbenchers of the new generation whose seats were considered in danger, such as Chris Bowen, Kate Ellis and Jason Clare, will be returned to the next parliament."(1)


(1): http://www.theage.com.au/federal-politics/federal-election-2013/labor-preserves-young-talent-despite-loss-20130907-2tcty.html#ixzz2eHEAWUcl

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Pumping up to Attack Syria in London

The pressure is mounting in London to launch a war of aggression against Syria. With the UK Parliament recess ended early.

However, the effort to dress up Syria's regime gassing its own military forces is laughable. The 'evidence' actually implicates the rebels in chemical attacks(1)


(1) http://www.globalresearch.ca/evidence-syria-gas-attack-work-of-u-s-allies/5347190

Monday, 26 August 2013

Bertie Gilbert on the Road!

In an interview on YouTube titled 'A Chat With Caspar Lee', Bertie Gilbert interviewed fellow YT'er Casper Lee.(1)

The South African trouble maker with no limit.(2) I mean that in the friendly way, of course.
Rest assured, this is just a taste to come as Bertie continues his rampage of broken hearts and destroyed lives on the internet with his rabblerowsing ;)

(1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNI_Wn-PnJw
(2) http://www.youtube.com/user/dicasp

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Rudd deals pave way for poll

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has confirmed that agreements have been reached with Western Australia on disability care and with Victoria on schools funding, clearing two major hurdles as speculation continues about when he will call the federal election.
On Sunday morning on his way to church, Mr Rudd announced he had reached a deal with WA on DisabilityCare Australia that will include two pilot projects. 

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/federal-politics/federal-election-2013/rudd-deals-pave-way-for-poll-20130804-2r6z2.html#ixzz2axjDSOhR

I hope there's no early election. Australia's federal elections should be on fixed four-year dates in my opinion.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Monday, 15 July 2013

Zemmerman cleared by jury

The Florida court that tried George Zimmerman regarding the death of the 17-year old with a record of crimes and school misbehaviour has been 'not guilty' on all charges.

This should come as no surprise of evidence is used in jugement;

The story of their tragic confrontation on February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, was framed early on. Zimmerman, then 28, was the neighborhood watch captain/"wannabe cop" who racially profiled and ultimately killed Trayvon, an unarmed, hoodie-clad black teenager out on the streets of the gated community Retreat at Twin Lakes simply because he wanted some Skittles.

The storyline quickly took root, amplified by the nearly ubiquitous images of the two: a sweet-looking photo of a several-years-younger Trayvon released by his family, and a mug shot of Zimmerman from a previous arrest in which he looks puffy and downcast. The contrasting images powerfully reinforced the images of the menacing bully and the innocent victim.
Some of the media's major mistakes stemmed from stories that fit neatly into that widely accepted narrative. NBC News edited Zimmerman's comments during a phone call to inaccurately suggest that he volunteered that Trayvon seemed suspicious because he was black. In fact, Zimmerman was responding to a question when he mentioned the teenager's race. The network apologized for the error.(1)
The riots afterwards are unforgivable.


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Death notification obscene

According to Metro, Worth School has been 'condemned' by the father of William Avery-Wright(1) because they apparently failed to inform him first of his son's accidental death before a public announcement.

If anything, if true, it demonstrates a disturbing casual attitude towards death and procedure.

(1) http://metro.co.uk/2013/07/10/father-condemns-school-for-sending-out-email-announcing-his-sons-death-before-he-knew-3876279/

Saturday, 29 June 2013

DOMA Struck Down by USPC

The 'Defense of Marriage Act' in the US has been struck down by the US Supreme Court as unconstitutional(1). Hurrah! The march for social equality in the USA continues.

(1) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/26/supreme-court-doma-prop-8-rulings

Saturday, 25 May 2013

French soldier stabbed in Paris

(Reuters) - A French soldier patrolling a business area of western Paris was stabbed in the neck on Saturday by a man who quickly fled the scene and was still being sought, a police source said.

The soldier, patrolling as part of France's Vigipirate anti-terrorist surveillance plan, was injured in the stabbing around 1800 p.m. but would survive, the source said.

French daily Le Parisien cited police sources as saying the suspected attacker was a bearded man of North African origin about 30 years old, and was wearing an Arab-style garment under his jacket.(1)

Another petty murder. Only 'resistance' for the thugs of the world.


Illegal Settlers Object to IDF RoE

Tensions in the West Bank are expected to increase on Friday as settler leaders plan protest marches to take place in support of the easing of open fire regulations in the territories.
Over the last six months, the settlers have balked at applying pressure on the Israel Defense Forces. However, since the murder of Yitzhar settlement resident Eviatar Borovzky at the end of April, settlers, with the backing of right-wing politicians, have been demanding that the IDF restore deterrence in the occupied territories by easing its rules of engagement.
The demonstrations are planned to take place next to the Palestinian refugee camps of Al-Arroub in the Hebron area, Jalazone near Beit El and near the Palestinian village of Kafr Kadum in Samaria.
In the meantime, GOC Central Command Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon has been holding his ground regarding his instructions to commanders that soldiers avoid resorting to live fire as much as possible.(1)
The argument would n doubt lack clarity if not equally applicable to Pal./Arab victims. Nor does it address the issue of the illegal settlers commiting crimesi n the OPT, including against the IDF.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Fox News Stirs Flames after marathon Attack in Boston

Despite the fact that no known facts were made known about the culprit behind today’s senseless bombings during the Boston Marathon, facts have never stood in the way of Fox in the past so why break dangerous precedent? Just when you thought the colostomy bag was overflowing like sick green splatter in state-run nursing facility when Fox News ran with a totally debunked and bogus story about having the bomber in custody and then being a Saudi national, the network always manages to locate the biggest attention-seeking paste-eater.

Pretend journalist and Fox News Contributor, Erik Rush, decided that the appropriate response following a deadly explosion that has resulted in 3 confirmed deaths (one of which was an 8-year-old boy) and 100+ injured was to do what Fox News does best: make purposefully incendiary comments designed to attack the fractious emotions of their totally unspectacular audience.

Is it just me or is there something about people with Rush in their name being complete and utter dicks? The First Rush Dick Club notwithstanding, the World Net Daily and Fox News Contributor claims that he was being ‘sarcastic’ and was just joking. Yes, taking a totally tragic event in which people were killed, and when we haven’t a single fact on the perpetrator yet; creating hysteria, vigilantism, and possible acts of reprisal on an entire class of people is simply hysterical. Screw Louis CK! Give this man his HBO Special right now!!

Now, if Erik Rush actually had a witty bone in that totally empty shell of his, he would known that’s what sarcasm is. Again, this is yet another reason why conservatives aren’t funny, and when they try, they just come across like the needy teenage girl (or NY Congressman) who snaps a scandalous mirror photo of themselves.

If you were being sarcastic, wouldn’t you want to keep that tweet and not delete it, Erik? Nope. he’s just yet another intellectually bankrupt man-child contributing to the colostomy bag of journalism with nothing to say.(1)

(1) http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/04/16 ... ngs-image/

Friday, 5 April 2013

Osborne attacks welfare 'lifestyle'

A disturbing statement from UK Chancellor where he blames a recent court conviction on welfare 'lifestyle' and so on.

Ah, another example of Tories spitting at working people. Unfortunately even PM D. Cameron is backing him(1)

(1) http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/apr/05/pm-osborne-linking-philpott-welfare

Friday, 1 March 2013

Prosecution/persecution of Bradley manning continues?

Private manning's being prosecuted by the US government for giving Wikileaks classified info.(1)

However this counts as whistleblowing in his regard, so I hope he gets let off, etc.

(1) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/mar/01/bradley-manning-prosecution-guilty-plea

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Tory Split on Cuts

George Osborne is under pressure to tear up his austerity programme after Boris Johnson called on the government to drop its "hair-shirt, Stafford Cripps" agenda and Liberal Democrat leaders demanded a spending boost in the spring budget.
Speaking in Davos on Friday shortly after the release of figures showing the economy was again contracting, the London mayor said it was time to "junk the rhetoric of austerity" and instead take steps to boost confidence and spending.
The Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg, who has for the first time conceded that the government cut investment spending too quickly after it arrived in office, was last night understood to have been swayed during a meeting with the business secretary, Vince Cable, to thrash out proposals in the next budget to spur growth.
On the table will be plans to cushion the blow of local authority budget cuts by allowing councils to borrow more freely to build new homes. It has been estimated that if borrowing caps were removed councils could build 60,000 homes over the next five years. Cable is also urging fresh proposals to make the state-owned banks lend, and has gone public on a call to change the inflation target.
Senior cabinet members are saying it is a racing certainty that the economy will suffer a triple-dip recession, requiring a further first quarter of negative growth.(1)

True, it's just two, if not more, but interesting to see the fresh display of public dissent from Johnson on this issue.

The downturn no doubt is partially caused by the indiscriminate cuts.

(1) http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/jan/25/george-osborne-pressure-austerity-programme

Thursday, 3 January 2013

The Hobbit P1 rocks

I watched the first Hobbit film Dec. 26th last year.

It is very enjoyable. Despite minor alterations in the storyline it is a very good rendition of Tolkein's book.

Those interested in high fantasy need to obtain it once it's out on DvD.