Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Fox News Stirs Flames after marathon Attack in Boston

Despite the fact that no known facts were made known about the culprit behind today’s senseless bombings during the Boston Marathon, facts have never stood in the way of Fox in the past so why break dangerous precedent? Just when you thought the colostomy bag was overflowing like sick green splatter in state-run nursing facility when Fox News ran with a totally debunked and bogus story about having the bomber in custody and then being a Saudi national, the network always manages to locate the biggest attention-seeking paste-eater.

Pretend journalist and Fox News Contributor, Erik Rush, decided that the appropriate response following a deadly explosion that has resulted in 3 confirmed deaths (one of which was an 8-year-old boy) and 100+ injured was to do what Fox News does best: make purposefully incendiary comments designed to attack the fractious emotions of their totally unspectacular audience.

Is it just me or is there something about people with Rush in their name being complete and utter dicks? The First Rush Dick Club notwithstanding, the World Net Daily and Fox News Contributor claims that he was being ‘sarcastic’ and was just joking. Yes, taking a totally tragic event in which people were killed, and when we haven’t a single fact on the perpetrator yet; creating hysteria, vigilantism, and possible acts of reprisal on an entire class of people is simply hysterical. Screw Louis CK! Give this man his HBO Special right now!!

Now, if Erik Rush actually had a witty bone in that totally empty shell of his, he would known that’s what sarcasm is. Again, this is yet another reason why conservatives aren’t funny, and when they try, they just come across like the needy teenage girl (or NY Congressman) who snaps a scandalous mirror photo of themselves.

If you were being sarcastic, wouldn’t you want to keep that tweet and not delete it, Erik? Nope. he’s just yet another intellectually bankrupt man-child contributing to the colostomy bag of journalism with nothing to say.(1)

(1) http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/04/16 ... ngs-image/

Friday, 5 April 2013

Osborne attacks welfare 'lifestyle'

A disturbing statement from UK Chancellor where he blames a recent court conviction on welfare 'lifestyle' and so on.

Ah, another example of Tories spitting at working people. Unfortunately even PM D. Cameron is backing him(1)

(1) http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/apr/05/pm-osborne-linking-philpott-welfare