Monday, 2 June 2014

Richard Seymour on national identity and the Right

Worthy talk here, by Richard Seymour, on the 'national identity' stuff and the exploitation by the Right. The centre-left has a lot of recent blame too, which Richard covers as well.

Letter to Owen Jones

Dear Owen hasn't replied to the letter I mailed him while he was still at The Independent. Bah, I hope he read it, It was quite positive;

Owen Jones,
The Independent Print Ltd
2 Derry Street, London
W8 5HF, United Kingdom

December 4th, 2013,

Dear Owen,

Your book ‘Chavs’ has arrived to my home so I am very grateful for your authorship, Owen. Rest assured I will read your Tweets on Twitter and your upcoming new book with high regard for your intellectual facility and quality.
If you ever require help north of the Scottish/English border, Mr. ***** **** in Edinburgh will assist you with dedication; *email address*, *post address* Whether professionally, or to bunk up if necessary.

Your most grateful and obedient humble servant,