Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Donald Trump Leading After 1st GOP Debate

He's in the lead still, even more, now that the first GOP debate has been held by FNC. He was criticised for his answer to Ms. Kelly on women and responded on Twitter and the press

But there are larger issues the GOP in the USA ought to consider;

However, Trump’s ugly bombast is a distraction from a far more serious problem for the GOP. Three years after Romney lost the women’s vote by a double-digit margin, in part because of his support for defunding Planned Parenthood, the presidential debates last week made clear Republicans have only become more disrespectful toward women’s bodies, more deranged in their hatred of Planned Parenthood, and more dismissive of female voters.(1)


Thursday, 6 August 2015

US Republican Senators can't handle Iran deal.

Their performances in hearings demonstrates they can't handle international diplomacy or negotiations, etc

Link: article 'Not Fit to Lead'

Sunday, 2 August 2015

French get unfair flak

Just mt view, the French get more flak than they deserve. Though with the Calais problem(1)  they do deserve it, but not elsewhere.
